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Many, maybe you, maybe a loved one or someone you care about live in the Movement Gap. The Movement Gap? Yes, a very real situation, where people seek out traditional medical services and therapies… yet… quality of life has not yet been restored.


As movement professionals, we have seen it first-hand. And it looks something like this…


Annie has Parkinson's Disease. She came to us after seeing her doctors, specialists and therapists. In fact, Annie knows so much about the condition, she is living and breathing it every day as she struggles with a degenerative disease that breaks down the central nervous system that affects her everyday movement. Our goal… get Annie back to a place where she can slow the progression of the disease. A place where she can move and participate in the life and things she loves.


Whether it’s Parkinson’s, MS, a stroke, TBI or fill in the blank with any number of conditions that affect the brain’s ability to move the body, there are too many falling into this movement gap.




Because the professionals and resources that can help exist outside the walls of the medical community. These situations are left to themselves with little guidance for the people who are living in the Movement Gap.


Our Approach

The good news (and yes there is very good news) is that there are solutions. And movement professionals who can help people out of the gap to a life that is hopeful. 


In the past years, brain research has validated that the brain is indeed plastic. What does this mean? It means that your brain is capable of building new brain pathways. This is a huge opportunity for those struggling with a brain issue, because it means that science has confirmed that it is possible to restore and create new movement pathways that can help the body to move. 


Our Work: A Whole Brain Approach to Movement


As movement professionals, we understand this opportunity. And it's exciting to see that the research supports our work and the client stories that we have seen firsthand throughout the years.


For 25 years, Trent McEntire has been experimenting and working with clients to understand how these systems work to help the body restore movement. First solving for his own brain injury at birth, then helping clients, and for the past several years teaching Pilates’ instructors his whole brain approach with a mission to expand the impact it has on those seeking to restore their movement.

Our Mission
Impact One Million Lives


people who are living in the movement gap, so that they can find the resources they need to improve their quality of life.


Invite Trent to speak at your event or podcast.


movement professionals with the training and tools that can help people out of the Movement Gap and back into their lives.


Learn more about our Neuro Leadership Program.


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